The Administrative Agents

The old name of business agents, which seemed to refer to a professional activity of simple intermediation in private matters, disappeared. The Decree of November 28, 1933 in which the Regulation was approved regulated the conditions for the exercise of the profession, which is renamed “administrative agents”.

Article 1, which officially recognizes the existence of the profession of administrative agent, defines it as “that exercised by those who freely devote themselves to promoting and activating in public offices all kinds of matters entrusted by individuals or corporations, in exchange for the payment a fee”.

Graduates in Law were able, from May 3, 1936, to enter the Official Associations of Administrative Agents without having to pass the proficiency test required by article three of the Regulations of the profession, regulated by an Order of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, of September 7, 1935. The Barristers were granted, by means of a new Order of Commerce, of November 19, 1952, the same right. The graduates in Political and Economic Sciences would be added to this exemption from February 3 1955 and several months later, Bachelors in Business Administration would also be added.

In this last year, the first Articles of Association of the Mutual Insurance Company of the Administrative Agents were approved, whose last update was approved in 2007.

In 1957, through a Decree dated May 10, another important Regulation was issued, which updated the Decree of 1933 and that of 1954 (amending the General Meeting of Official Associations of Administrative Agents (currently the General Council), before the huge growth in the number of Associations) and, finally, the Organic Statute, dated March 1, 1963, (which is still in force), regulated the activity of administrative agents, defining characteristics similar to those included in the 1933 regulations.

Through the Decree of July 4, 1958, the Official Associations of Administrative Agents and their Central Board were integrated into the Presidency of the Government, a situation that has been maintained op to the present date, in which the relevant Department has been constituted in the Ministry of Territorial Administration.

Since then, the preparation of the Administrative Agents is very strict. They are required to hold a university degree. They have to be graduates in Law, Economics, Business Studies or Political Science. But, in addition, they must carry out complementary studies and pass an admission test. Only then they are allowed to exercise their profession. This training and experience are the best, most legitimate and professional guarantees of an administrative agent.

Another outstanding milestone was the Decree of June 3, 1965 on the professional participation of administrative agents and social graduates, in connection with Decrees 424/1963, of March 1, and 3501/1964, of October 22, which recognizes the capacity of administrative agents to carry out all kinds of social security and emigration procedures, that were two traditional activities carried out by administrative agents.

An important advance was achieved through the Order of January 31, 1966 which authorized that the number and date of the National Identity Card may be consigned by the Administrative Agents in the proceedings handled by them. It was an important step before an Administration that was drowned by the excess of bureaucracy.

The Regulation governing the Personal Exercise of the Profession of Administrative Manager was changed in 1988, through Royal Decree 2532/1998, of November 27, which allows administrative agents to associate with other administrative agents, and created the single membership valid for the whole Spanish territory, without the need to be registered in more than one territory in case of practising in different territories.